
我要发布     发布日期:2017-11-01 11:41:51
核心提示:  为什么代表科技前沿的互联网大会要选在这个小小的古镇举办呢?我们用乌镇这个名字的拼音全拼Wuzhen来解读一下。  W means

  "W" means wide connection.


  Wuzhen is located in Zhejiang province, an economic powerhouse in East China. More than 80 percent of the country’s e-retailers, 70 percent of exports, and 60 percent of e-commerce relies on platforms based in Zhejiang. Tongxiang itself, which Wuzhen is a part of, is home to 560 Internet enterprises, over 30,000 registered retailers and 48 Taobao service stations.


  The essence of Internet is connection, the value of information lies in interflow. The World Internet Conference brings opportunities and vigor to Wuzhen, a city which perfectly reflects nature, tradition, development and modernity.



  "U" means universal vision.


  With a theme of "Innovation-driven Internet Development for the Benefit of All – Building a Community of Common Future in Cyberspace", the conference will be composed of forums, an expo, and a release event in addition to the opening and closing ceremonies. The conference will host 16 forums covering 20 hot issues, such as Internet economy, Internet innovation, Internet culture, governance in cyberspace and international cooperation on Internet.


  World leading Internet achievements will be on display at the Light of the Internet Expo.


  "Z" means zealous ideas.


  Wuzhen’s Xizha scenic spot and Wucun county have been selected to host brainstorming activities for Internet and tech giants, such as Alibaba, Foxconn, Jinritoutiao, 58.com.


  "H" means humanitarian care.


  Industry experts and insiders from across the globe have been invited to attend. It is the first time that the Light of the Internet Expo will be open to the public. Microsoft, IBM, SAP, Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu and over 310 well-known enterprises will attend the expo. A total of 6,300 multilingual students from 15 universities in Zhejiang province will serve as volunteers in reception centers, main venues, news centers, airports and hotels.



  "E" means economic benefits.


  Cross-border and rural electricity suppliers, sharing economy, big data, cloud computing, Internet finance and intelligent equipment have become common place in daily life, not to mention information economy is now an important contributor to Chinese GDP.


  Innovation-driven development is key to succeeding in the international economy, and innovative Internet development will bring prosperity to the whole world. The Chinese Internet Plus initiative lays the foundation for digital China construction, boosting Internet innovation and bringing untold benefits. The rapid development of the Chinese Internet is set to bring more opportunities to international enterprises and entrepreneurs.


  "N" means new future.


  The Wuzhen International Internet Convention Center, a permanent home for the World Internet Conference, was designed by Wang Shu, a professor at the China Academy of Art, winning a Pritzker Architecture Award. Covering 81,000 square meters and consisting of three functional areas (a conference center, a reception center, and an exhibition center), the venue will meet the needs of the event, including hosting meetings, forums, and exhibitions. The conference center is composed of a main venue and 18 meeting rooms, while the exhibition center has eight pavilions. The interior decoration of the venue meets the standards of most large international conferences with a complete set of facilities, plus fast and reliable Internet services.




本文标题: 六个词告诉你世界互联网大会为何选在乌镇?

本文链接: https://www.gujianchina.cn/quote/show-1348.html (转载时请保留)

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